The Brisbane Fly Fishing Club Inc. (BFFC) came to life as a gathering of like minded fly fishers in 2009 and was incorporated in 2013. We aim to actively engage in and promote the sport of fly fishing in an ethical and sustainable manner.
We are a social club focused on enjoying the sport of fly fishing on salt waters and in fresh. We encourage prospective members and visiting fly fishers to join us to exchange tips, techniques and experience in fly tying, casting and fishing locations.

Anyone from the seasoned fly fishing veteran to enthusiastic beginner is welcome.
Please visit our Facebook page to view our past and future events or email the club on for information.
The club hold three get-togethers each month, one on the water, one in the clubhouse and one in cyberspace!
Our club night is on the third Wednesday of the month is held at North Brisbane Scout Centre: 21 Sicklefield Road, Enoggera. Please note that the road is divided at the entrance to the hall, so anyone approaching from the South will have to drive past and turn into Grinstead park to make a U-turn. Click on the map below to enlarge.
The club night starts at 6:30 with a sizzle, with food and refreshments available, then we retire indoors at 7pm to enjoy an evening of fishy business. Bring some spare pennies along for the raffle and if you would like some casting tuition, let Club Captain Jono in advance so that he can set aside some quality time on the casting field for you!
We also now meet on the first Wednesday off the month for our popular VFT events. What’s VFT? It stands for Virtual Fly Tying 🙂 Meetings are held via Zoom rather than in real life and we usually tie flies appropriate for the next club fishing adventure.
Club Outings
Along with our monthly club meetings, we endeavour to hold a club outing at least every two months. These outings are a great opportunity to target seasonal species and learn from more experienced club members. Details of past and current events are on our Facebook page.
We also periodically host weekend casting clinics from nationally and internationally renowned casting instructors and demonstrations from fly fishing suppliers.
We welcome all prospective members and visiting fly fishers to join us at our events, however please note that in some cases, insurance requirements may require us to restrict participation to financial club members only. Please contact a member of the club executive for confirmation.
Brisbane Tuna on Fly Competition
Each year during Autumn, the Brisbane Fly Fishing Club (BFFC) hosts our premier fly fishing competition, Brisbane Tuna on Fly (BTOF) in the waters off Bribie Island.
Details will be published on our Facebook page, but competition entry forms etc can be found here.
The competition is open all fly anglers who have registered and paid the very reasonable entry fee.
A compulsory registration and briefing is held on the Friday night and the competition runs all day Saturday and until noon on Sunday.
More info…